
Writings, Love Letters, Exercises & Resources

Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

20 Ways to Deepen Your Movement Practice

If you are like one of the many people who work with me, connect online or email me expressing your curiosity and confusion and delight at the interplay of your heart/emotions/psyche/narrative/life and the way you use your body, this post is for you. 

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Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Are You Creating a Handmade Life?

So many of you are laboring away in different ways, owning the life you seek to create, doing the work to support it. You are stretching your calves and sitting on the floor and walking instead of driving. You are going to therapy and feeling the feelings and challenging the beliefs you hold that tell you to just give up.

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Three Reasons Exercise Isn't Getting You Better

Did you think exercise would make you feel stronger or healthier or maybe just better than you used to? For some of you, maybe you don't really expect exercise to provide results. Here’s a video exploring our expectations around exercise.

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Psoas Jennifer Gleeson Blue Psoas Jennifer Gleeson Blue

My Go-To Exercise For... Most Things :-)

Where do you start if your back is bothering you? If you sneeze when you pee? If you have TMJ? If your quads won't ever relax? If your hips feel wonky? If you're digestion is off? If you have low energy?

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Everyday RE Jennifer Gleeson Blue Everyday RE Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Stubborn Belief

What it would it be like, I imagined, to stubbornly believe in what might be? To stubbornly believe in the big dreams I hold? To stubbornly believe in the inherent physical, emotional, psychic drive to wholeness? To stubbornly believe that God/Universe/Spirit is wanting good things for me?

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Culture, Change, Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Culture, Change, Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Change Your Environment or Change Your Body?

It's not just today we need to be looking out for when we are choosing between the floor and a chair, when we are choosing between corrective exercises and stiffer shoe, when we are choosing between sitting on the sacrum or rolling the pelvis forward, when we are choosing between a walk and mindless time on the internet.

It's tomorrow, too. 

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Shoulders Jennifer Gleeson Blue Shoulders Jennifer Gleeson Blue

3 Upper Body Alignment Assessments

If you're like almost every single client or student of mine, then my guess is that when you think you are *fixing* your hyperkyphosis and your internal rotation and the glummyness in your shoulder girdle, what you are really doing is *HIDING* it.

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Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

What Are You Tolerating?

Have you run into those limits in yourself? Those places where maybe you freak out about your body? Or you lose your shit with your partner or kid? Or you punish yourself in some way or another?

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Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

On Miscarriage & Resilience

The second child in as many years left my body unexpectedly this last week. This time, when I realized I was miscarrying, I spent time thinking about what I wanted this experience to be like. Or rather, who I wanted to be in this experience. How I wanted to show up to it.

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