
Writings, Love Letters, Exercises & Resources

Birth Jennifer Gleeson Blue Birth Jennifer Gleeson Blue

I Had Everything I Needed

My second son came into the world two months ago after a long, hard labor, dropping into my midwife’s hands as I knelt on my bed at home. This birth was a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and I have, in essence, been planning it for seven years, shortly after my first son came into the world after 54 hours with the help of a surgeon’s scalpel, much to my surprise and my devastation.

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Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Safety, Agency & YOUR Body

Today, I had an encounter that reminded me that our experiences of safety and agency are often being overridden by those around us and how that experience begins at a very young age. 

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Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue Body Mind Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Your psycho-emotional environment moves you.

When you can begin to see how your psycho-emotional environment intersects with what's available to you in your body, you can start having some compassion for some of the obstacles you face in your movement. You can also start to change your environment. 

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

Can you let your intuition lead you to better health?

I firmly believe that following your desire and your intuition for your health journey will unfold in powerful ways that we can't even imagine yet. We don't know what will happen to you and to those around you and to the whole earth when you change the way you relate with your body. I do know that it will be an act of good in the world. 

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Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue

How You Birth MEANS Something to Your Health

I want women to be ever reminded that how you birth matters, not because cesareans are wrong but because they MEAN something to your health. But I don't just want to stop there. I want to be a part of the solution to the cesarean epidemic and to the path of healing after a difficult birth or before a next birth. 

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

You Shouldn't Have to Exercise

You, had your life been filled with movement from the very beginning, wouldn't need to exercise. But your life wasn't. My life wasn't. Which is why we exercise. 

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

I've Gained 30 Pounds

Gaining 30 pounds in such a short period of time is no small thing. It creates an entirely different set of loads on all the tissues of the body, whether it's the feet, the pelvic floor, the lateral hips, or the arms. But this work - this showing up to myself in so many ways and this changing of how I think about and relate to the movement of my body through my environment - has had a profound impact on the way my body can handle such massive changes. 

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

This Pregnancy Has Kicked My Ass

All the healing work I've done, all the movement and dietary changes and emotional preparation, all the stuff I thought would help didn't give me a different physical experience. In the midst of this, two things happened.

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Jennifer Gleeson Blue Jennifer Gleeson Blue

You don't have to get injured doing yoga (or anything else)!

During a yoga class yesterday, I was struck at how many times I was asked to go past my boundaries, at how many times I was cued to do something I knew I could not do safely. I would look around the class and be able to see that others couldn't do them either, even if they were.

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Feet, Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue Feet, Culture Jennifer Gleeson Blue

I'm Barefoot. It's Okay.

Dear People Who Comment on My Bare Feet: I've been running into more and more of you lately. At first, I thought this was going to just be a thing I'd keep shrugging off with a polite smile, but a few lines have been crossed, and I'd like to clear the air.

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Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue Change Jennifer Gleeson Blue

I'm No Longer Interested in Exercise

So many of you think you are coming to exercise to fix parts of your body that aren't working. To address dysfunctions that have caused suffering. To get better. And, of course, exercise will do that.
But, over and over again, I see that what is often happening on the deeper level is that you're turning to exercise to fix yourself. Because you think you are broken. Because you want to get out of your body. Because you don't think you're good enough.

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