Writings, Love Letters, Exercises & Resources
Half My Life
Today, I have been married for half my life, the exact same number of days spreading out on either side of a rainy September evening in 2002.
I was on my honeymoon the first time I seriously questioned my decision to get married. Not for lack of effort, for lack of commitment, for lack of love, but more because we were setting out to do something impossible.
Why We’re (Temporarily) Moving to Hawaii
I intended to write this long, chronological piece about why and how we came to the decision to put all of our stuff in storage here in New Mexico and head to Hawaii for the winter.
But the essence of it is this: my body spoke and I listened.
What if your body doesn't need fixing?
I don't want to fix you. I am not asking you to fix you. I want you to come home to yourself, to Love, to Life. Movement is the path I walk to bring me there. It can be yours, too.
Where have your feet carried you?
Our feet are important. They contain 1/4 of all the bones in the body and an absurd amount of joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. For most of us, they are the primary way we have of moving our bodies across the earth.
What does it mean to love the body?
What does it mean to love the body? What does love for the body look like? Feel like? How can you know if you are being loving to your body?