Writings, Love Letters, Exercises & Resources
Want core strength? Start here.
Here are a handful of resources to help you start thinking differently about HOW you use your body in ways that do or don't support your desire for more core strength.
Calories, Cramps & My Sedentary Life
I recently went camping alone with my five year old son. This was the first time I camped without another adult and I had a big movement lesson reveal itself to me
Three Reasons Exercise Isn't Getting You Better
Did you think exercise would make you feel stronger or healthier or maybe just better than you used to? For some of you, maybe you don't really expect exercise to provide results. Here’s a video exploring our expectations around exercise.
Get Too Big for Your Britches (aka Work Your Glutes)
Sure, I don't have the potential to have something big and round on my rear. But I do have the potential to have something modest and round, something other than flat. For my whole-body health, it's essential that I exercise that potential.
3 Upper Body Alignment Assessments
If you're like almost every single client or student of mine, then my guess is that when you think you are *fixing* your hyperkyphosis and your internal rotation and the glummyness in your shoulder girdle, what you are really doing is *HIDING* it.
Quad Stretch Makeover
What's your purpose for doing the classic runner's quad stretch? Quad lengthening is what most of us are after. But what if your quad stretch isn't really doing that? Come explore in this video post.
Better Sex, Creative Fire & Vaginal Massage
"When energy is blocked in a woman's root [pelvis], either by physical tension, emotional burden, past trauma, or long-term patters of core energy imbalance, it inhibits the energy flow in her life." - Tami Lynn Kent
Restorative Exercises for When You're Stuck in a Chair
For those times you find yourself stuck in your chair but want to move more and continue to support your whole body health, I offer this video of seated restorative exercises. Go ahead and take 15 minutes and bring some life into that chair pose you're in. :)
Can You Get Healthier While Doing Nothing?
What do you do if you know that your usual way of doing "nothing" just makes you feel worse? What options exist other than lying on the couch all day where you know you're just going to end up feeling tight and sore and more sluggish.
Help for Stiff, Achy Feet
I've heard it over and over again. Your feet just don't feel great. Especially in the morning, when you first wake up. Here are three steps to get you moving in a different direction.
Lateral Hip Love
In this video, I offer you a way to explore your lateral hips while lying down so that you can really key in on the area you want to be working.
Hack the Iliacus
By now, you may have gathered that so very many of our daily habits have us in hip flexion, where the thigh is coming forward in front of the pelvis. In this video, I show the many ways I modify the iliacus release, depending on what I or my clients need.
Psoas Release: An Essential Experience
Your whole body-mind health and resilience is wildly intertwined with healthy psoas muscles. This simple practice is revolutionary and can be life-changing.
A Few Footsavers
Ready to start fixing those feet? These six exercises will help get you there.