Writings, Love Letters, Exercises & Resources
Change Your Environment or Change Your Body?
It's not just today we need to be looking out for when we are choosing between the floor and a chair, when we are choosing between corrective exercises and stiffer shoe, when we are choosing between sitting on the sacrum or rolling the pelvis forward, when we are choosing between a walk and mindless time on the internet.
It's tomorrow, too.
Better Sex, Creative Fire & Vaginal Massage
"When energy is blocked in a woman's root [pelvis], either by physical tension, emotional burden, past trauma, or long-term patters of core energy imbalance, it inhibits the energy flow in her life." - Tami Lynn Kent
I've Had a Hard Year
Even in the midst of all these difficulties, I can feel myself walking out of a dark time and into a lighter time. I've undergone immense internal change.
The Hard Part
When I started a more aggressive treatment for my digestive issues, my doctor handed me a document that outlined the two month approach she was recommending. The first order of treatment was this: Stress Reduction.